
Guadarrama, Sepúlveda y Extremadura 26 - 29 mayo
Guadarrama, Sepulveda and Extremadura 26 - 29 May

Estos últimos días he estado guiando de forma privada para dos hermanos holandeses, Peter y Bert Longmeijer. Grandes pajareros y entusiastas buscadores de mariposas y libélulas. Diseñé los cuatro días de ruta pensando en las aves que querían ver en su visita a España, dejando un día en el medio para dedicarlo sobre todo a observar libélulas en el sur de la provincia de Badajoz. Sus objetivos conmigo era observar verderón serrano, collalba negra, alondra de Dupont, curruca mirlona, elanio común, avutarda, sisón, ganga ibérica, ganga ortega... además de cinco especies de libélulas. De las aves vimos todas, y de las libélulas nos faltó tan sólo una especie. Os dejo con algunas fotos de aves y mariposas. A continuación una entrada especial sobre las libélulas que vimos.

Alcaudón dorsirrojo / Red-backed Shrike - Guadarrama
Totovía / Wood Lark - Rascafría
Mariposa arlequín / Spanish Festoon - Rascafría
Euphydryas aurinia / Marsh Fritillary - Rascafría
Bisbita campestre / Tawny Pipit - Sepúlveda
Alondra de Dupont / Dupont's Lark - Sepúlveda
Pyronia bathseba / Spanish Gatekeeper - Patones
Rabilargo / Azure-winged Magpie - Patones
Melitaea phoebe / Knapweed Fritillary - Patones
Lycaena alciphron / Purple-Shot Copper
Elanio común / Black Shouldered Kite - Arrocampo
Avutarda común / Great Bustard - Llanos de Cáceres

 Ganga ortega / Black-bellied Sangrouse - Llanos de Cáceres
 Ganga iberíca /  Pin-tailed Sangrouse - Llanos de Cáceres
 Sisón / Little Bustard - Llanos de Cáceres
 Criálo / Great Spotted Cuckoo - Llanos de Cáceres
 Rana común / Spanish Pond Frog - Llanos de Cáceres
Rascón / Water Rail - Talaván

I have spent the last few days guiding privately for two Deutch birders and wildlifers, Peter and Bert Longmeijer, very keen in butterflies and dragonflies besides birds. We found all the target birds they had and found, following their instructions a few interesting species of dragonflies mainly in the southern part of Extremadura. We started in Madrid, heading into the Guadarrama mountains and then Sepulveda for Dupont's Lark. The following day we had a very long journey from Sepulveda to Caceres, doing some breaks in the way for Black Wheatears and two dragonflies, Banded Groundling and Long Skimmer. The third day we explored the south part Badajoz province looking for "dragons" and butterflies and in the Alange reservoir. The last day we birded intensively into the Llanos de Cáceres looking for bustards and sandgrouse mainly. These were the main bird species seen: 

Guadarrama: Citril Finch, Black Redstart, Rock Bunting, Black Vulture, Bonelli's Warbler, Red-backed Shrike, Pied Flycatcher, Cirl Bunting, Southern Grey Shrike, Woodchat Shrike, Honey Buzzard...

Sepulveda: Dupont's Lark, Black-eared Wheatear, Greater Short-toed Lark, Spectacled Warbler, Ortolan Bunting, Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, Griffon Vulture, Western Olivaceous Warbler (seen well only by Peter and Bert)...

Patones: Black Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, Azure-winged Magpie, Booted Eagle, Western Orphean Warbler...

Arrocampo: Little Bittern, Kingfisher, Great Reed Warbler, Purple Gallinule, Purple Heron, Black-shouldered Kite, Spanish Sparrow...

Llanos de Cáceres & Badajoz: Spanish Imperial Eagle, Alpine Swift, Great Bustard, Little Bustard, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Pin-tailed Sandgrouse, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Stone Curlew, Montagu's Harrier, Roller, Bee-eater, Little Owl...

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